A morning of fun fishing with friends! We left the dock at 5a.m. and had our first king salmon in the boat by 5:40! First rod in the water with a glow green flame magnum JB spoon on the downrigger down 50 feet fishing in 80 feet of water straight off the sheboygan lighthouse. The spoon bite proved itself again off downriggers 40-70 down for king salmon and red dodgers with blue/silver peanut flies for coho salmon. Fishing 80 - 110 feet of water from sheboygan lighthouse south to the power plant.
Went out for our second trip this afternoon. Coho salmon and Chinook salmon were our main catch tonight. The little red dodgers and peanut flies for coho salmon in the top 30 feet of water. Chinook salmon came on JBs glow spoons on the downriggers set 35-65 down
We left Sheboygan harbor this morning at 5am and first thing we caught was a awesome sunrise! Fish were biting very good again this morning. We started in 55 feet of water off of Sheboygan and headed southeast to 120 feet just south of Sheboygans powerplant. Stinger spoons with orange, gold and green was our most productive baits this morning for Coho salmon and Rainbow trout. Fishing with 3oz in the early day and as the sun came up we switched to 6 and 8oz
Coho salmon fishing was our big hit today. We were in 60-80 feet of from Sheboygan lighthouse to Whistling Straights. We were using the small red dodgers with green and gold peanut flies. Also used blue and gold peanut flies with small red dodgers.
Fishing was good today around the70-80 foot mark from port of sheboygan north to Whistling Straights golf course. Stinger spoons in orange and green worked well on highlines with 3 oz of weight. The coho salmon catch is still going strong! Small red flashers with green peanut flies seemed to be the best for us today.
We went out sat. am. We started 175 to 275 ft ,fly and dodger.-oo orange, and green and cracked ice was working for us for coho salmon. We were also using small spoons and picked up rainbow trout in the top 10 feet of water.We ended up catching 18. We had a mixed bag of fish, mostly coho salmon and rainbow trout. We picked up 1 chinook salmon in that bag.
March 2017